Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Second time is the charm?

Dear Diary,

As background, I was married and divorced the first time around, where I walked away due to infidelity from my ex. I have since met the most amazing guy, someone who is so perfect for me. There is nothing wrong with him in a serious way, albeit he is not a perfect guy, but that is part of his appeal. I adore him, as is. When I laid my eyes on him for the first time, deep in my heart I knew that he is the one, my soulmate.

And yet, as time clocks off, I find myself afraid to commit for life again. Once again I wish to emphasize, there is nothing wrong with him. It is just me and not because I fear anything he would do, I just.... fear of marriage again.

As a second-time bride, I already know from experience that despite intense, deep-felt love, marriages can and do fall apart. Of course I don't want this marriage to fall apart because I love him to the very core of my being, and I can't imagine life without him. 

But what if I haven't learned enough from my mistakes? What if I haven't learned those lesson at all? There is no paper-pencil test for marriage skills, there is no manual on how to make the marriage successful. We can rehearse events in our heads and with our partners, but in the end, nobody can predict where our emotions will take us on any given day.

So where does that leave me now? In some ways, I am still the scared woman. However, I have determined that despite my fear, I must truly deeply trust in my partner's feeling for me, and trust myself. I need to accept that we would never grow if we never took risks, that we, as humans, are life-long learners, that many great things are unrehearsed. And I need to accept that doing nothing for fear of failure gets us nowhere.

Yes.... I DO.....

Signed off for now

Headache Tuesday!

Dear Diary,

Help! I have a bad headache right now due to lack of sleep last night and woke up quite early this morning.  I was caught up with my works that need to be done and submitted this morning.  I feel a dull throbbing pain in the back of the head towards the forehead over my left eye.  Maybe it because I have a very stressful job that keeps me in front of a computer for 8-9 hours a day not to mention a bad diet and lack of time for exercise.  I do feel a bit unbalance every now and then but it is usually if I bend my head down or lay on my back. 

The last time, when I went for check up, the doctor said that I had the classic symptoms of stress and prescribed me with some anti-stress pills.  After a few days of med, I started to get some energy back because before I was very fatigued.  

Maybe my body is giving me a warning me again.  Maybe i need to chillax, go for short vacation and forget about the workloads.  Yeah! Maybe I will do that.....

Err, boss... could you approve my 1-month paid leave please? And it starts today.....
What? I can leave for good? Err.. nevermind, I think I've changed my mind ;)

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!!!

Signed off for now