Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Headache Tuesday!

Dear Diary,

Help! I have a bad headache right now due to lack of sleep last night and woke up quite early this morning.  I was caught up with my works that need to be done and submitted this morning.  I feel a dull throbbing pain in the back of the head towards the forehead over my left eye.  Maybe it because I have a very stressful job that keeps me in front of a computer for 8-9 hours a day not to mention a bad diet and lack of time for exercise.  I do feel a bit unbalance every now and then but it is usually if I bend my head down or lay on my back. 

The last time, when I went for check up, the doctor said that I had the classic symptoms of stress and prescribed me with some anti-stress pills.  After a few days of med, I started to get some energy back because before I was very fatigued.  

Maybe my body is giving me a warning me again.  Maybe i need to chillax, go for short vacation and forget about the workloads.  Yeah! Maybe I will do that.....

Err, boss... could you approve my 1-month paid leave please? And it starts today.....
What? I can leave for good? Err.. nevermind, I think I've changed my mind ;)

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!!!

Signed off for now

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