Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What is LOVE?

Dear Diary,

What is love?
When we claim that it is love that we have for someone, are we right?

Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing, is your voice caught within your chest?
it isn't love, it is LIKE....

You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them?
It isn't love, it is LUST...

You feel proud and eager to show them off?
It isn't love, it is LUCK...

Do you want them because you know they are there?
It isn't love, it is LONELINESS...

Are you there because it is what everyone wants?
It isn't love, it is LOYALTY...

Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand?
It isn't love, it is LOW CONFIDENCE...

Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don't want to hurt them?
It isn't love, it is PITY....

Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?
It isn't love, it is INFATUATION...

Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?
It isn't love, it is FRIENDSHIP....

Do you tell them everyday they are the only one you think of?
It isn't love, it is a LIE...

 Are you willing to give all of your favourite things for their sake?
It isn't love, it is CHARITY...


Does your heart ache and break when they are sad?
Then it is LOVE....

Do you cry for their pain, even when they are strong?
Then it is LOVE.....

Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
Then it is LOVE.....

Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and relation pulls you close and holds you there?
Then it is LOVE....

Do you accept their faults because they are part of who they are?
Then it is LOVE.....

Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret?
Then it is LOVE.....

Would you allow them to leave you, not because they want to but because they have to?
Then it is LOVE.....

Would you give them your heart, your life, your death?
Then it is LOVE.....

Signed off for now,

I found you..................

Dear Diary,

Once in my lifetime, I truly believe that I will find someone who can completely turn my  world around.  I can tell him things that I have never shared with other souls and he absorb everything I say and actually want to hear more.

I share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at me.  When something wonderful happens, I just can't wait to tell him about it, knowing he will share in my excitement.

He is not embarrassed to cry with me or even for me, laugh with me when I make a fool of myself (which is almost always). He will hurt my feeling or make me feel like I am not good enough, but rather he build me up and show me the things about myself that make me special and even beautiful.

There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition, only a quiet calmness when he is around.  He is always supportive in everything I do or want to do.

I can be be myself and not worry so much about what he will think of you because he loves me for who I am.

A phone calls or messages everyday helps to get me through a long day and always bring smile to my face.  By being with him, there is no need for continuous conversation, but I still feel content just having him nearby. 

Things that never interested me before become so fascinating as I know they are important to him...... 

I always think of him on every occasion and in everything I do.  Simple things bring him to my mind.  

I open my heart knowing that there is still a chance it may be broken one day and in opening my heart, I experience a love and joy that I never dreamed possible.  I find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow my heart to feel true pleasure that is so real, sometimes it scares me.

I find strength in knowing that I have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end.

Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile.  My only hope and security is in knowing that he is a part of my life. 

I'm glad that we choose each other.... I want to be with you for eternity and beyond....

Signed off for now.

Back to work after holiday.....

Dear Diary,

I wish I'm here

Instead I'm here @ work,

Have you ever had this kind of feeling before? It is so daunting to go back to work after a holiday weekend or vacation.  Maybe after the apex of a great weekend , suddenly you find yourself depressed when you land back home. Or maybe you slept in every day that you were off and now you have to jolt yourself back into reality by awaking early in the morning for a new work week.  No matter what, going back to work after days off is really a hard chore.

So, wish me lots and lots of lucks guys.... coz I really need it!

Signed off for now.