Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are you dating a psycho?.... or Are you a psycho?

Dear Diary,

Here are the signs that the guy you are dating is a psycho:

#1  Extremely jealous - He will go to any length to force unreasonable faithfulness on you with a reason fear of losing you.  No matter how you tried to convince him, he will feel threatened with anything or anyone that comes near you.

#2  Control freak - He thinks that he knows what is best for you and deciding what you should or shouldn't. He will use a great deal of coercion and intimidation to force you into agreeing with him.

#3  Paranoid assumption - If any guy calls you (even if it is your boss, your colleague or maybe a relative) he loses it and goes into interrogation mode. Even if you were just slightly late getting home, he will go beserk.  He even gets angry every time you come near to another guy.

#4  Threaten to hurt or kill himself or you - When he is on the fact that you aren't happy with the relationship and thinking for a way out, he will take drastic action that will keep you around such as threats of bodily harm, to him or to you.  

#5  Get physical when arguing - He thinks it is perfectly fine to slap, kick, force or even use weapons against you when you say or do something they he dislike.  

#6  Stalking - He will do things like call or follow you when you are outside.  He might check your emails or mobile phone or even your wallet looking for so-called proof.  

#7  Emotionally unstable - His emotions keep fluctuate, like night and day and you can't tell the difference between the two.  He will often exhibit temper tantrums like getting loud or rude or sarcastic when having disagreement or argument.  He will make you feel like you are walking on eggshells or can't communicate with him without suffering his wrath every single time.

#8 Attention seeker - He cannot spend a single moment without talking to you.  He will furious or go crazy if you didn't pick up the calls or reply his message on time.  

Ultimately, this type of psycho has low level of self-esteem and self-confidence and consistently feels insecure.  His behaviour is so annoying and sometimes it can be so exhausting. These signs in time, can be unsafe for him as well as you. Hence, it is advisable to cut ties as soon as possible...

Signedoff for now

To stalk or to be stalked....

Dear Diary,

When I was young (I'm still am, but not too young anymore), I was followed by a stalker while I was on the way to office.  Although I have had similar incidents numerous times, I just couldn't help feeling real scared all over again. He was staring at me and trying to keep up with my hurried pace.  Soon, I felt a tug on my arm and when I turned around, I found myself looking into a leering face of a short, old guy.  I was so scared and run away as fast as I could.  By the time I reached the office, I was badly shaken and traumatized.  

After confiding with colleagues about the incident and surfing on internet, I manage to get some some advice and guidance on how to tackle this 'stalker' issue.  This is what I got: 

  • Ignore him completely, he will get bored and walk off.
  • Carry pepper spray or chilli powder.  Use it when necessary.
  • Don't try to lose the stalker by going down empty path, you will get in even more trouble.
  • Make friends or walk alongside other ladies, even if you don't know them. Make sure there are other people around you.
  • Tell people around you about his potential intention. You will be safer if a group of people know.
  • Say your prayers. It works to turn luck in your favor.  Insya'allah you will be helped by the most unlikely of strangers or maybe the stalker will get distracted by something and leave.
  • Shout so that everybody looks, but do not use any foul language.  Just tell the stalker in a very loud voice to stop following you and go away.
  • Make a crying face or act helpless to the crowd, so the other guys will be a knight in shining armour and come to your defense.
  • Otherwise keep a straight face, don't look scared or make silly expression.
Good luck!

Signed off for now


Bounce back!!!!

Dear Diary,

I'm feeling ecstatic this morning.  If not due to my promise not to reveal my true identity in the cyber world particularly in this blog, I will definitely posted my appearance today.... I'm so red!  

I must say that I was a bit down yesterday when heard the news from my friends.  At first I was so stunned that it happened so quick.  I felt like being hit by a train... a bullet train..... But me being me... I bounced back a bullet train.

What topic I want to share with you today? How about how to bounce back? Well it doesn't matter bounce back from a failure, or maybe from a breakup.

I could not claim that I have really bounced back from my failure but I surely know that I have learnt some valuable lesson.  So, it is crucial to find a good ways to bounce back.  In other words, the past mistakes MUST NOT be repeated.  I want to share with you some of the tips:

Bounce back from a failure

#1  Slow and steady: Whatever you do, please don't be in a hurry unless you are in such desperate condition that if you cannot bounce back on time then you will be in jeopardy.  Because when you in a hurry, it is either you make more mistakes or you become frustrated when you don't see good result at a short time.

#2  Do you homework properly: No one dreams to be a loser in life.  Do your homework and try to analyze your mistakes.  Don't deceive yourself about it.  If you do so, then you will again end up in failing.  However, if you can learn from your mistakes, then there is chances that you can bounce back to success in life.

#3  Health is wealth: When we are young, we think that we will always be strong and healthy.  However, it slowly gets destroyed over the years. Hence getting back on your feet takes a lot of time and real determination.  Whatever plan you have in mind, in order to execute it, you need good health.  Take care of yourself as much as possible.

#4  Don't bother about others:  Most people love to give advice whether you asked it or not because they think it is their holy duty to give all kind of advice to you.  Also, certain people would enjoy you bad condition and would try to offend you emotionally.  While you cannot control others, you definitely get try to control yourself about not getting emotionally hurt.  When you can isolate yourself from other people, it becomes easier for you to focus on rebuilding your life again. 

#5  Be patient: You have to be patient and if you are not then you cannot hope to bounce back.  

Bounce back from a breakup

#1  Get a make over: There is nothing that can boost your confidence than a make over.  Get a new haircut, change dressing style, get a beauty treatment, go to a spa.  Trust me, pampering yourself can do wonders to your mind and body.

#2  Go shopping: There is nothing better than retail therapy. I have seen this technique working well especially when we are angry or depressed. 

#3   Find a hobby: Now it is the right time to pursue any hobbies that you have previously ignored due to lack or time or discouragement from your ex.  You can also learn new things and be self sufficient.  

#4  Bond with family and friends: They stands by you during thick and thin.  So if you have not been giving enough time and attention to them previously, it is time for you to spend more quality time with them and doing things you missed doing with them.

#5  Get a Pet:  If you like pets, get one and devote yourself looking after it. 

#6  Have fun: Be Single and Happy.  Go for coffee or dinner with friends.  Watch movies with family.  Go dancing with friends.  Do whatever you like and have fun! This would sure boost your confidence. 

#7  Go for a trip: Take a break and go for holiday.  

#8  Be healthy: Have a healthy and fit body and mind by getting into yoga, aerobic or even go for a walk because it would help to relax you and help you heal the wounds of your heart break. 

#9  Do charity and social work: Doing something positive for someone always can make one feel good.  It can make us realize how lucky and privileged we are.  While you are clearing the clutter of your previous relationship, why don't you give away things like mementos or clothes that reminded you of him.  

#10  Do something productive:  It is time to change yourself and devote some time to your career.  
Failure or breakups do happen.  It is the way you handle it makes all the difference.  The emotional trauma caused by it is almost always debilitating.  However, you need to move on to make room for good things to come to you.  Bounce!!!!!!

Signed off for now