Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are you dating a psycho?.... or Are you a psycho?

Dear Diary,

Here are the signs that the guy you are dating is a psycho:

#1  Extremely jealous - He will go to any length to force unreasonable faithfulness on you with a reason fear of losing you.  No matter how you tried to convince him, he will feel threatened with anything or anyone that comes near you.

#2  Control freak - He thinks that he knows what is best for you and deciding what you should or shouldn't. He will use a great deal of coercion and intimidation to force you into agreeing with him.

#3  Paranoid assumption - If any guy calls you (even if it is your boss, your colleague or maybe a relative) he loses it and goes into interrogation mode. Even if you were just slightly late getting home, he will go beserk.  He even gets angry every time you come near to another guy.

#4  Threaten to hurt or kill himself or you - When he is on the fact that you aren't happy with the relationship and thinking for a way out, he will take drastic action that will keep you around such as threats of bodily harm, to him or to you.  

#5  Get physical when arguing - He thinks it is perfectly fine to slap, kick, force or even use weapons against you when you say or do something they he dislike.  

#6  Stalking - He will do things like call or follow you when you are outside.  He might check your emails or mobile phone or even your wallet looking for so-called proof.  

#7  Emotionally unstable - His emotions keep fluctuate, like night and day and you can't tell the difference between the two.  He will often exhibit temper tantrums like getting loud or rude or sarcastic when having disagreement or argument.  He will make you feel like you are walking on eggshells or can't communicate with him without suffering his wrath every single time.

#8 Attention seeker - He cannot spend a single moment without talking to you.  He will furious or go crazy if you didn't pick up the calls or reply his message on time.  

Ultimately, this type of psycho has low level of self-esteem and self-confidence and consistently feels insecure.  His behaviour is so annoying and sometimes it can be so exhausting. These signs in time, can be unsafe for him as well as you. Hence, it is advisable to cut ties as soon as possible...

Signedoff for now